Dominique Mailly
Born in november 1956 in France. Graduate from the Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité France in 1980. PhD delivered from Paris Sud University in 1983. Post doc at the Physics Department at the University of Berkeley in 1984 in Prof. Packard group. Joined the CNRS at the Laboratoire de Microstructures et de Microélectronique in Bagneux in 1985 to develop nanofabrication and mesoscopic physics in this laboratory. Head of the mesoscopic group in 1993. Create the group Physics and Technology of Nanostructures at the LPN in Marcoussis in 2001. Deputy director of the LPN in 2006 and director of the LPN from 2012 to june 2016. His scientific interests are the physics of nanostructures and nanotechnologies: Quantum Hall effect, mesoscopic physics, nanomagnetism and recently physics of graphene and other 2D systems. More than 150 publications. Silver medal of the CNRS in 2002.